Julia 582b157454 gdf
2024-05-13 23:20:20 -05:00

139 lines
4.1 KiB

import json
import subprocess
from subprocess import PIPE
from hashlib import md5
from pathlib import Path
GCC = "gcc"
ARGS = "-fdiagnostics-color -pthread -Wall -std=c17 -pedantic -g"
SOURCE_DIR = Path("source/")
OBJECT_DIR = Path("objects/")
OUTPUT = Path("debug")
SRC_CHECKSUMS_TXT = Path("build/src_checksums.txt")
HDR_CHECKSUMS_TXT = Path("build/hdr_checksums.txt")
ERRORS_TXT = Path("build/errors.txt")
def scan_checksums(files) -> list[str]:
return [md5(file.read_bytes()).hexdigest() for file in files]
def read_text(txt: Path) -> any:
if not txt.exists():
return []
content = txt.read_text("utf-8")
return json.loads(content) if content else []
def write_text(txt: Path, content) -> None:
def checksum_difs(cur, old, files) -> set[str]:
dif = set(cur) - set(old)
return ({files[cur.index(i)] for i in dif}, dif)
def delete_unused_objects(object_dir: Path, source_stems: list[str]) -> None:
objects = [object for object in object_dir.rglob("*.o")]
map(Path.unlink, [object for object in objects if object.stem not in source_stems])
def paths_to_args(args: list[Path], sep: str="") -> str:
return " ".join(f"{sep}{arg}" for arg in args)
def dispatch(args):
return subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, text=True, encoding="utf-8")
def header_deps(sources, includes):
incl = paths_to_args(includes, "-I ")
src = paths_to_args(sources)
out, err = dispatch(f"{GCC} -MM {src} {ARGS} {incl}").communicate()
dependencies = []
if out:
for line in out.splitlines():
if ":" in line:
dependencies[-1].add(Path(line.strip(" \\")))
return dependencies
def compile_job(sources, includes, errors, object_dir):
incl = paths_to_args(includes, "-I ")
processes = []
for source in sources:
output = object_dir.joinpath(source.with_suffix(".o").name)
processes.append(dispatch(f"{GCC} -c {source} {ARGS} {incl} -o {output}"))
for process, source in zip(processes, sources):
out, err = process.communicate()
errors[source.stem] = err
def link_job(object_dir, output):
out, err = dispatch(f"{GCC} {object_dir}/*.o {ARGS} -o {output}").communicate()
return err
def build(src: Path, object_dir: Path, output: Path):
# Walk source directory, obtain checksums
includes, headers, sources = map(list, map(src.rglob, ["*/", "*.h", "*.c"]))
hc_cur, sc_cur = scan_checksums(headers), scan_checksums(sources)
hc_old, sc_old = read_text(HDR_CHECKSUMS_TXT), read_text(SRC_CHECKSUMS_TXT)
# Find out which sources need to be compiled based on checksum differences
# and dependencies on changed headers
header_updates, hc_updates = checksum_difs(hc_cur, hc_old, headers)
source_updates, sc_updates = checksum_difs(sc_cur, sc_old, sources)
for source_dependencies, source in zip(header_deps(sources, includes), sources):
if any(header in header_updates for header in source_dependencies):
# Compile step: Read old error messages, then update, print, and write them
errors = dict(read_text(ERRORS_TXT))
compile_job(source_updates, includes, errors, object_dir)
error_amt = 0
source_stems = [source.stem for source in sources]
for source_stem, message in list(errors.items()):
if source_stem not in source_stems:
elif message:
error_amt += 1
write_text(HDR_CHECKSUMS_TXT, list(hc_updates))
write_text(SRC_CHECKSUMS_TXT, list(sc_updates))
write_text(ERRORS_TXT, errors)
# Link step: Delete unused objects, link and print the error message
delete_unused_objects(object_dir, [source.stem for source in sources])
link_err = link_job(object_dir, output)
if link_err:
# yippee
print(f"Compiled: {len(source_updates)} Linked: {len(sources)} Errored: {error_amt}")
if __name__ == "__main__":