2024-05-10 22:39:11 -07:00

44 lines
1.2 KiB

'use strict'
const { Transform } = require('node:stream')
const { Console } = require('node:console')
const PERSISTENT = process.versions.icu ? '✅' : 'Y '
const NOT_PERSISTENT = process.versions.icu ? '❌' : 'N '
* Gets the output of `console.table(…)` as a string.
module.exports = class PendingInterceptorsFormatter {
constructor ({ disableColors } = {}) {
this.transform = new Transform({
transform (chunk, _enc, cb) {
cb(null, chunk)
this.logger = new Console({
stdout: this.transform,
inspectOptions: {
colors: !disableColors && !process.env.CI
format (pendingInterceptors) {
const withPrettyHeaders = pendingInterceptors.map(
({ method, path, data: { statusCode }, persist, times, timesInvoked, origin }) => ({
Method: method,
Origin: origin,
Path: path,
'Status code': statusCode,
Persistent: persist ? PERSISTENT : NOT_PERSISTENT,
Invocations: timesInvoked,
Remaining: persist ? Infinity : times - timesInvoked
return this.transform.read().toString()