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705 lines
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import * as _discordjs_util from '@discordjs/util';
import { Awaitable } from '@discordjs/util';
import { GatewayDispatchPayload, GatewayReadyDispatchData, GatewaySendPayload, GatewayOpcodes, GatewayIntentBits, GatewayIdentifyProperties, GatewayPresenceUpdateData, APIGatewayBotInfo } from 'discord-api-types/v10';
import * as _discordjs_collection from '@discordjs/collection';
import { Collection } from '@discordjs/collection';
import { AsyncEventEmitter } from '@vladfrangu/async_event_emitter';
import { REST } from '@discordjs/rest';
import { AsyncQueue } from '@sapphire/async-queue';
declare enum WebSocketShardEvents {
Closed = "closed",
Debug = "debug",
Dispatch = "dispatch",
Error = "error",
HeartbeatComplete = "heartbeat",
Hello = "hello",
Ready = "ready",
Resumed = "resumed"
declare enum WebSocketShardStatus {
Idle = 0,
Connecting = 1,
Resuming = 2,
Ready = 3
declare enum WebSocketShardDestroyRecovery {
Reconnect = 0,
Resume = 1
interface WebSocketShardEventsMap {
[WebSocketShardEvents.Closed]: [{
code: number;
[WebSocketShardEvents.Debug]: [payload: {
message: string;
[WebSocketShardEvents.Dispatch]: [payload: {
data: GatewayDispatchPayload;
[WebSocketShardEvents.Error]: [payload: {
error: Error;
[WebSocketShardEvents.Hello]: [];
[WebSocketShardEvents.Ready]: [payload: {
data: GatewayReadyDispatchData;
[WebSocketShardEvents.Resumed]: [];
[WebSocketShardEvents.HeartbeatComplete]: [payload: {
ackAt: number;
heartbeatAt: number;
latency: number;
interface WebSocketShardDestroyOptions {
code?: number;
reason?: string;
recover?: WebSocketShardDestroyRecovery;
declare enum CloseCodes {
Normal = 1000,
Resuming = 4200
interface SendRateLimitState {
resetAt: number;
sent: number;
declare class WebSocketShard extends AsyncEventEmitter<WebSocketShardEventsMap> {
private connection;
private useIdentifyCompress;
private inflate;
private readonly textDecoder;
private replayedEvents;
private isAck;
private sendRateLimitState;
private initialHeartbeatTimeoutController;
private heartbeatInterval;
private lastHeartbeatAt;
private initialConnectResolved;
private failedToConnectDueToNetworkError;
private readonly sendQueue;
private readonly timeoutAbortControllers;
private readonly strategy;
readonly id: number;
get status(): WebSocketShardStatus;
constructor(strategy: IContextFetchingStrategy, id: number);
connect(): Promise<void>;
private internalConnect;
destroy(options?: WebSocketShardDestroyOptions): Promise<void>;
private waitForEvent;
send(payload: GatewaySendPayload): Promise<void>;
private identify;
private resume;
private heartbeat;
private unpackMessage;
private onMessage;
private onError;
private onClose;
private debug;
* Strategies responsible for spawning, initializing connections, destroying shards, and relaying events
interface IShardingStrategy {
* Initializes all the shards
connect(): Awaitable<void>;
* Destroys all the shards
destroy(options?: Omit<WebSocketShardDestroyOptions, 'recover'>): Awaitable<void>;
* Fetches the status of all the shards
fetchStatus(): Awaitable<Collection<number, WebSocketShardStatus>>;
* Sends a payload to a shard
send(shardId: number, payload: GatewaySendPayload): Awaitable<void>;
* Spawns all the shards
spawn(shardIds: number[]): Awaitable<void>;
* IdentifyThrottlers are responsible for dictating when a shard is allowed to identify.
* @see {@link https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/gateway#sharding-max-concurrency}
interface IIdentifyThrottler {
* Resolves once the given shard should be allowed to identify, or rejects if the operation was aborted.
waitForIdentify(shardId: number, signal: AbortSignal): Promise<void>;
* Simple strategy that just spawns shards in the current process
declare class SimpleShardingStrategy implements IShardingStrategy {
private readonly manager;
private readonly shards;
constructor(manager: WebSocketManager);
* {@inheritDoc IShardingStrategy.spawn}
spawn(shardIds: number[]): Promise<void>;
* {@inheritDoc IShardingStrategy.connect}
connect(): Promise<void>;
* {@inheritDoc IShardingStrategy.destroy}
destroy(options?: Omit<WebSocketShardDestroyOptions, 'recover'>): Promise<void>;
* {@inheritDoc IShardingStrategy.send}
send(shardId: number, payload: GatewaySendPayload): Promise<void>;
* {@inheritDoc IShardingStrategy.fetchStatus}
fetchStatus(): Promise<Collection<number, WebSocketShardStatus>>;
* The state of a rate limit key's identify queue.
interface IdentifyState {
queue: AsyncQueue;
resetsAt: number;
* Local, in-memory identify throttler.
declare class SimpleIdentifyThrottler implements IIdentifyThrottler {
private readonly maxConcurrency;
private readonly states;
constructor(maxConcurrency: number);
* {@inheritDoc IIdentifyThrottler.waitForIdentify}
waitForIdentify(shardId: number, signal: AbortSignal): Promise<void>;
* Valid encoding types
declare enum Encoding {
JSON = "json"
* Valid compression methods
declare enum CompressionMethod {
ZlibStream = "zlib-stream"
declare const DefaultDeviceProperty: `@discordjs/ws ${string}`;
* Default options used by the manager
declare const DefaultWebSocketManagerOptions: {
readonly buildIdentifyThrottler: (manager: WebSocketManager) => Promise<SimpleIdentifyThrottler>;
readonly buildStrategy: (manager: WebSocketManager) => SimpleShardingStrategy;
readonly shardCount: null;
readonly shardIds: null;
readonly largeThreshold: null;
readonly initialPresence: null;
readonly identifyProperties: {
readonly browser: `@discordjs/ws ${string}`;
readonly device: `@discordjs/ws ${string}`;
readonly os: NodeJS.Platform;
readonly version: "10";
readonly encoding: Encoding;
readonly compression: null;
readonly retrieveSessionInfo: (shardId: number) => SessionInfo | null;
readonly updateSessionInfo: (shardId: number, info: SessionInfo | null) => void;
readonly handshakeTimeout: 30000;
readonly helloTimeout: 60000;
readonly readyTimeout: 15000;
declare const ImportantGatewayOpcodes: Set<GatewayOpcodes>;
declare function getInitialSendRateLimitState(): SendRateLimitState;
* Represents a range of shard ids
interface ShardRange {
end: number;
start: number;
* Session information for a given shard, used to resume a session
interface SessionInfo {
* URL to use when resuming
resumeURL: string;
* The sequence number of the last message sent by the shard
sequence: number;
* Session id for this shard
sessionId: string;
* The total number of shards at the time of this shard identifying
shardCount: number;
* The id of the shard
shardId: number;
* Required options for the WebSocketManager
interface RequiredWebSocketManagerOptions {
* The intents to request
intents: GatewayIntentBits | 0;
* The REST instance to use for fetching gateway information
rest: REST;
* The token to use for identifying with the gateway
token: string;
* Optional additional configuration for the WebSocketManager
interface OptionalWebSocketManagerOptions {
* Builds an identify throttler to use for this manager's shards
buildIdentifyThrottler(manager: WebSocketManager): Awaitable<IIdentifyThrottler>;
* Builds the strategy to use for sharding
* @example
* ```ts
* const manager = new WebSocketManager({
* token: process.env.DISCORD_TOKEN,
* intents: 0, // for no intents
* rest,
* buildStrategy: (manager) => new WorkerShardingStrategy(manager, { shardsPerWorker: 2 }),
* });
* ```
buildStrategy(manager: WebSocketManager): IShardingStrategy;
* The compression method to use
* @defaultValue `null` (no compression)
compression: CompressionMethod | null;
* The encoding to use
* @defaultValue `'json'`
encoding: Encoding;
* How long to wait for a shard to connect before giving up
handshakeTimeout: number | null;
* How long to wait for a shard's HELLO packet before giving up
helloTimeout: number | null;
* Properties to send to the gateway when identifying
identifyProperties: GatewayIdentifyProperties;
* Initial presence data to send to the gateway when identifying
initialPresence: GatewayPresenceUpdateData | null;
* Value between 50 and 250, total number of members where the gateway will stop sending offline members in the guild member list
largeThreshold: number | null;
* How long to wait for a shard's READY packet before giving up
readyTimeout: number | null;
* Function used to retrieve session information (and attempt to resume) for a given shard
* @example
* ```ts
* const manager = new WebSocketManager({
* async retrieveSessionInfo(shardId): Awaitable<SessionInfo | null> {
* // Fetch this info from redis or similar
* return { sessionId: string, sequence: number };
* // Return null if no information is found
* },
* });
* ```
retrieveSessionInfo(shardId: number): Awaitable<SessionInfo | null>;
* The total number of shards across all WebsocketManagers you intend to instantiate.
* Use `null` to use Discord's recommended shard count
shardCount: number | null;
* The ids of the shards this WebSocketManager should manage.
* Use `null` to simply spawn 0 through `shardCount - 1`
* @example
* ```ts
* const manager = new WebSocketManager({
* shardIds: [1, 3, 7], // spawns shard 1, 3, and 7, nothing else
* });
* ```
* @example
* ```ts
* const manager = new WebSocketManager({
* shardIds: {
* start: 3,
* end: 6,
* }, // spawns shards 3, 4, 5, and 6
* });
* ```
shardIds: number[] | ShardRange | null;
* Function used to store session information for a given shard
updateSessionInfo(shardId: number, sessionInfo: SessionInfo | null): Awaitable<void>;
* The gateway version to use
* @defaultValue `'10'`
version: string;
interface WebSocketManagerOptions extends OptionalWebSocketManagerOptions, RequiredWebSocketManagerOptions {
interface CreateWebSocketManagerOptions extends Partial<OptionalWebSocketManagerOptions>, RequiredWebSocketManagerOptions {
interface ManagerShardEventsMap {
[WebSocketShardEvents.Closed]: [{
code: number;
shardId: number;
[WebSocketShardEvents.Debug]: [payload: {
message: string;
shardId: number;
[WebSocketShardEvents.Dispatch]: [payload: {
data: GatewayDispatchPayload;
shardId: number;
[WebSocketShardEvents.Error]: [payload: {
error: Error;
shardId: number;
[WebSocketShardEvents.Hello]: [{
shardId: number;
[WebSocketShardEvents.Ready]: [payload: {
data: GatewayReadyDispatchData;
shardId: number;
[WebSocketShardEvents.Resumed]: [{
shardId: number;
[WebSocketShardEvents.HeartbeatComplete]: [
payload: {
ackAt: number;
heartbeatAt: number;
latency: number;
shardId: number;
declare class WebSocketManager extends AsyncEventEmitter<ManagerShardEventsMap> implements AsyncDisposable {
* The options being used by this manager
readonly options: WebSocketManagerOptions;
* Internal cache for a GET /gateway/bot result
private gatewayInformation;
* Internal cache for the shard ids
private shardIds;
* Strategy used to manage shards
* @defaultValue `SimpleShardingStrategy`
private readonly strategy;
constructor(options: CreateWebSocketManagerOptions);
* Fetches the gateway information from Discord - or returns it from cache if available
* @param force - Whether to ignore the cache and force a fresh fetch
fetchGatewayInformation(force?: boolean): Promise<APIGatewayBotInfo>;
* Updates your total shard count on-the-fly, spawning shards as needed
* @param shardCount - The new shard count to use
updateShardCount(shardCount: number | null): Promise<this>;
* Yields the total number of shards across for your bot, accounting for Discord recommendations
getShardCount(): Promise<number>;
* Yields the ids of the shards this manager should manage
getShardIds(force?: boolean): Promise<number[]>;
connect(): Promise<void>;
destroy(options?: Omit<WebSocketShardDestroyOptions, 'recover'>): Awaitable<void>;
send(shardId: number, payload: GatewaySendPayload): Awaitable<void>;
fetchStatus(): Awaitable<_discordjs_collection.Collection<number, WebSocketShardStatus>>;
[Symbol.asyncDispose](): Promise<void>;
interface FetchingStrategyOptions extends Omit<WebSocketManagerOptions, 'buildIdentifyThrottler' | 'buildStrategy' | 'rest' | 'retrieveSessionInfo' | 'shardCount' | 'shardIds' | 'updateSessionInfo'> {
readonly gatewayInformation: APIGatewayBotInfo;
readonly shardCount: number;
* Strategies responsible solely for making manager information accessible
interface IContextFetchingStrategy {
readonly options: FetchingStrategyOptions;
retrieveSessionInfo(shardId: number): Awaitable<SessionInfo | null>;
updateSessionInfo(shardId: number, sessionInfo: SessionInfo | null): Awaitable<void>;
* Resolves once the given shard should be allowed to identify
* This should correctly handle the signal and reject with an abort error if the operation is aborted.
* Other errors will cause the shard to reconnect.
waitForIdentify(shardId: number, signal: AbortSignal): Promise<void>;
declare function managerToFetchingStrategyOptions(manager: WebSocketManager): Promise<FetchingStrategyOptions>;
declare class SimpleContextFetchingStrategy implements IContextFetchingStrategy {
private readonly manager;
readonly options: FetchingStrategyOptions;
private static throttlerCache;
private static ensureThrottler;
constructor(manager: WebSocketManager, options: FetchingStrategyOptions);
retrieveSessionInfo(shardId: number): Promise<SessionInfo | null>;
updateSessionInfo(shardId: number, sessionInfo: SessionInfo | null): _discordjs_util.Awaitable<void>;
waitForIdentify(shardId: number, signal: AbortSignal): Promise<void>;
declare class WorkerContextFetchingStrategy implements IContextFetchingStrategy {
readonly options: FetchingStrategyOptions;
private readonly sessionPromises;
private readonly waitForIdentifyPromises;
constructor(options: FetchingStrategyOptions);
retrieveSessionInfo(shardId: number): Promise<SessionInfo | null>;
updateSessionInfo(shardId: number, sessionInfo: SessionInfo | null): void;
waitForIdentify(shardId: number, signal: AbortSignal): Promise<void>;
interface WorkerData extends FetchingStrategyOptions {
shardIds: number[];
declare enum WorkerSendPayloadOp {
Connect = 0,
Destroy = 1,
Send = 2,
SessionInfoResponse = 3,
ShardIdentifyResponse = 4,
FetchStatus = 5
type WorkerSendPayload = {
nonce: number;
ok: boolean;
op: WorkerSendPayloadOp.ShardIdentifyResponse;
} | {
nonce: number;
op: WorkerSendPayloadOp.FetchStatus;
shardId: number;
} | {
nonce: number;
op: WorkerSendPayloadOp.SessionInfoResponse;
session: SessionInfo | null;
} | {
op: WorkerSendPayloadOp.Connect;
shardId: number;
} | {
op: WorkerSendPayloadOp.Destroy;
options?: WebSocketShardDestroyOptions;
shardId: number;
} | {
op: WorkerSendPayloadOp.Send;
payload: GatewaySendPayload;
shardId: number;
declare enum WorkerReceivePayloadOp {
Connected = 0,
Destroyed = 1,
Event = 2,
RetrieveSessionInfo = 3,
UpdateSessionInfo = 4,
WaitForIdentify = 5,
FetchStatusResponse = 6,
WorkerReady = 7,
CancelIdentify = 8
type WorkerReceivePayload = {
data: any;
event: WebSocketShardEvents;
op: WorkerReceivePayloadOp.Event;
shardId: number;
} | {
nonce: number;
op: WorkerReceivePayloadOp.CancelIdentify;
} | {
nonce: number;
op: WorkerReceivePayloadOp.FetchStatusResponse;
status: WebSocketShardStatus;
} | {
nonce: number;
op: WorkerReceivePayloadOp.RetrieveSessionInfo;
shardId: number;
} | {
nonce: number;
op: WorkerReceivePayloadOp.WaitForIdentify;
shardId: number;
} | {
op: WorkerReceivePayloadOp.Connected;
shardId: number;
} | {
op: WorkerReceivePayloadOp.Destroyed;
shardId: number;
} | {
op: WorkerReceivePayloadOp.UpdateSessionInfo;
session: SessionInfo | null;
shardId: number;
} | {
op: WorkerReceivePayloadOp.WorkerReady;
* Options for a {@link WorkerShardingStrategy}
interface WorkerShardingStrategyOptions {
* Dictates how many shards should be spawned per worker thread.
shardsPerWorker: number | 'all';
* Handles a payload not recognized by the handler.
unknownPayloadHandler?(payload: any): unknown;
* Path to the worker file to use. The worker requires quite a bit of setup, it is recommended you leverage the {@link WorkerBootstrapper} class.
workerPath?: string;
* Strategy used to spawn threads in worker_threads
declare class WorkerShardingStrategy implements IShardingStrategy {
private readonly manager;
private readonly options;
private readonly connectPromises;
private readonly destroyPromises;
private readonly fetchStatusPromises;
private readonly waitForIdentifyControllers;
private throttler?;
constructor(manager: WebSocketManager, options: WorkerShardingStrategyOptions);
* {@inheritDoc IShardingStrategy.spawn}
spawn(shardIds: number[]): Promise<void>;
* {@inheritDoc IShardingStrategy.connect}
connect(): Promise<void>;
* {@inheritDoc IShardingStrategy.destroy}
destroy(options?: Omit<WebSocketShardDestroyOptions, 'recover'>): Promise<void>;
* {@inheritDoc IShardingStrategy.send}
send(shardId: number, data: GatewaySendPayload): void;
* {@inheritDoc IShardingStrategy.fetchStatus}
fetchStatus(): Promise<Collection<number, WebSocketShardStatus>>;
private setupWorker;
private resolveWorkerPath;
private waitForWorkerReady;
private onMessage;
private ensureThrottler;
* Options for bootstrapping the worker
interface BootstrapOptions {
* Shard events to just arbitrarily forward to the parent thread for the manager to emit
* Note: By default, this will include ALL events
* you most likely want to handle dispatch within the worker itself
forwardEvents?: WebSocketShardEvents[];
* Function to call when a shard is created for additional setup
shardCallback?(shard: WebSocketShard): Awaitable<void>;
* Utility class for bootstrapping a worker thread to be used for sharding
declare class WorkerBootstrapper {
* The data passed to the worker thread
protected readonly data: WorkerData;
* The shards that are managed by this worker
protected readonly shards: Collection<number, WebSocketShard>;
* Helper method to initiate a shard's connection process
protected connect(shardId: number): Promise<void>;
* Helper method to destroy a shard
protected destroy(shardId: number, options?: WebSocketShardDestroyOptions): Promise<void>;
* Helper method to attach event listeners to the parentPort
protected setupThreadEvents(): void;
* Bootstraps the worker thread with the provided options
bootstrap(options?: Readonly<BootstrapOptions>): Promise<void>;
* The {@link https://github.com/discordjs/discord.js/blob/main/packages/ws#readme | @discordjs/ws} version
* that you are currently using.
declare const version: string;
export { type BootstrapOptions, CloseCodes, CompressionMethod, type CreateWebSocketManagerOptions, DefaultDeviceProperty, DefaultWebSocketManagerOptions, Encoding, type FetchingStrategyOptions, type IContextFetchingStrategy, type IIdentifyThrottler, type IShardingStrategy, type IdentifyState, ImportantGatewayOpcodes, type ManagerShardEventsMap, type OptionalWebSocketManagerOptions, type RequiredWebSocketManagerOptions, type SendRateLimitState, type SessionInfo, type ShardRange, SimpleContextFetchingStrategy, SimpleIdentifyThrottler, SimpleShardingStrategy, WebSocketManager, type WebSocketManagerOptions, WebSocketShard, type WebSocketShardDestroyOptions, WebSocketShardDestroyRecovery, WebSocketShardEvents, type WebSocketShardEventsMap, WebSocketShardStatus, WorkerBootstrapper, WorkerContextFetchingStrategy, type WorkerData, type WorkerReceivePayload, WorkerReceivePayloadOp, type WorkerSendPayload, WorkerSendPayloadOp, WorkerShardingStrategy, type WorkerShardingStrategyOptions, getInitialSendRateLimitState, managerToFetchingStrategyOptions, version };