var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true }); var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => { __defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value); return value; }; // src/lib/Snowflake.ts var IncrementSymbol = Symbol("@sapphire/snowflake.increment"); var EpochSymbol = Symbol("@sapphire/snowflake.epoch"); var ProcessIdSymbol = Symbol("@sapphire/snowflake.processId"); var WorkerIdSymbol = Symbol("@sapphire/snowflake.workerId"); var MaximumWorkerId = 0b11111n; var MaximumProcessId = 0b11111n; var MaximumIncrement = 0b111111111111n; var _a, _b, _c, _d; var _Snowflake = class _Snowflake { /** * @param epoch the epoch to use */ constructor(epoch) { /** * Alias for {@link deconstruct} */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/unbound-method __publicField(this, "decode", this.deconstruct); /** * Internal reference of the epoch passed in the constructor * @internal */ __publicField(this, _a); /** * Internal incrementor for generating snowflakes * @internal */ __publicField(this, _b, 0n); /** * The process ID that will be used by default in the generate method * @internal */ __publicField(this, _c, 1n); /** * The worker ID that will be used by default in the generate method * @internal */ __publicField(this, _d, 0n); this[EpochSymbol] = BigInt(epoch instanceof Date ? epoch.getTime() : epoch); } /** * The epoch for this snowflake */ get epoch() { return this[EpochSymbol]; } /** * Gets the configured process ID */ get processId() { return this[ProcessIdSymbol]; } /** * Sets the process ID that will be used by default for the {@link generate} method * @param value The new value, will be coerced to BigInt and masked with `0b11111n` */ set processId(value) { this[ProcessIdSymbol] = BigInt(value) & MaximumProcessId; } /** * Gets the configured worker ID */ get workerId() { return this[WorkerIdSymbol]; } /** * Sets the worker ID that will be used by default for the {@link generate} method * @param value The new value, will be coerced to BigInt and masked with `0b11111n` */ set workerId(value) { this[WorkerIdSymbol] = BigInt(value) & MaximumWorkerId; } /** * Generates a snowflake given an epoch and optionally a timestamp * @param options options to pass into the generator, see {@link SnowflakeGenerateOptions} * * **note** when `increment` is not provided it defaults to the private `increment` of the instance * @example * ```typescript * const epoch = new Date('2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'); * const snowflake = new Snowflake(epoch).generate(); * ``` * @returns A unique snowflake */ generate({ increment, timestamp =, workerId = this[WorkerIdSymbol], processId = this[ProcessIdSymbol] } = {}) { if (timestamp instanceof Date) timestamp = BigInt(timestamp.getTime()); else if (typeof timestamp === "number") timestamp = BigInt(timestamp); else if (typeof timestamp !== "bigint") { throw new TypeError(`"timestamp" argument must be a number, bigint, or Date (received ${typeof timestamp})`); } if (typeof increment !== "bigint") { increment = this[IncrementSymbol]; this[IncrementSymbol] = increment + 1n & MaximumIncrement; } return timestamp - this[EpochSymbol] << 22n | (workerId & MaximumWorkerId) << 17n | (processId & MaximumProcessId) << 12n | increment & MaximumIncrement; } /** * Deconstructs a snowflake given a snowflake ID * @param id the snowflake to deconstruct * @returns a deconstructed snowflake * @example * ```typescript * const epoch = new Date('2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'); * const snowflake = new Snowflake(epoch).deconstruct('3971046231244935168'); * ``` */ deconstruct(id) { const bigIntId = BigInt(id); const epoch = this[EpochSymbol]; return { id: bigIntId, timestamp: (bigIntId >> 22n) + epoch, workerId: bigIntId >> 17n & MaximumWorkerId, processId: bigIntId >> 12n & MaximumProcessId, increment: bigIntId & MaximumIncrement, epoch }; } /** * Retrieves the timestamp field's value from a snowflake. * @param id The snowflake to get the timestamp value from. * @returns The UNIX timestamp that is stored in `id`. */ timestampFrom(id) { return Number((BigInt(id) >> 22n) + this[EpochSymbol]); } /** * Returns a number indicating whether a reference snowflake comes before, or after, or is same as the given * snowflake in sort order. * @param a The first snowflake to compare. * @param b The second snowflake to compare. * @returns `-1` if `a` is older than `b`, `0` if `a` and `b` are equals, `1` if `a` is newer than `b`. * @example Sort snowflakes in ascending order * ```typescript * const ids = ['737141877803057244', '1056191128120082432', '254360814063058944']; * console.log(ids.sort((a, b) =>, b))); * // → ['254360814063058944', '737141877803057244', '1056191128120082432']; * ``` * @example Sort snowflakes in descending order * ```typescript * const ids = ['737141877803057244', '1056191128120082432', '254360814063058944']; * console.log(ids.sort((a, b) =>, b))); * // → ['1056191128120082432', '737141877803057244', '254360814063058944']; * ``` */ static compare(a, b) { const typeA = typeof a; return typeA === typeof b ? typeA === "string" ? cmpString(a, b) : cmpBigInt(a, b) : cmpBigInt(BigInt(a), BigInt(b)); } }; _a = EpochSymbol, _b = IncrementSymbol, _c = ProcessIdSymbol, _d = WorkerIdSymbol; __name(_Snowflake, "Snowflake"); var Snowflake = _Snowflake; function cmpBigInt(a, b) { return a === b ? 0 : a < b ? -1 : 1; } __name(cmpBigInt, "cmpBigInt"); function cmpString(a, b) { return a === b ? 0 : a.length < b.length ? -1 : a.length > b.length ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 1; } __name(cmpString, "cmpString"); // src/lib/DiscordSnowflake.ts var DiscordSnowflake = new Snowflake(1420070400000n); // src/lib/TwitterSnowflake.ts var TwitterSnowflake = new Snowflake(1288834974657n); export { DiscordSnowflake, MaximumIncrement, MaximumProcessId, MaximumWorkerId, Snowflake, TwitterSnowflake }; //# //#