const { SlashCommandBuilder, PermissionsBitField } = require('discord.js'); const { useMainPlayer } = require('discord-player'); const informationStatus = "[INFO]: "; const warningStatus = "[WARNING]: "; const errorStatus = "[ERROR]: "; module.exports = { data: new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName('play') .setDescription('Plays a video through a link!') .addStringOption(option => option .setName('link') .setDescription('The link to play the music.') .setRequired(true)), async execute(interaction) { const player = useMainPlayer(); const channel =; if(!channel) return interaction.reply({ content: "You are not connected to a voice channel.", ephemeral: true }); const query = interaction.options.getString('link', true); await interaction.deferReply(); try { const { track } = await, query, { nodeOptions: { metadata: interaction } }); console.log(`${informationStatus}Playing ${track.title} from ${} in ${interaction.guildId}`); return interaction.followUp(`<:checkmark:1238964552482422844> **${track.title}** from **${}** has been added to the queued!`); } catch (error) { await interaction.followUp({content: "Something went wrong! Please try again later.", ephemeral: true }); return console.log(error); } } }